


English translation will be followed on 2nd half part.


Jungfraujochまで向かう登山電車の乗換駅Kleine Scheidegg(標高2,063m)から撮影しました、Jungfrau(日本語に直せば、若妻 ww)です。スイスをイメージする写真として、次の「ロッシュの試薬を使って、抗体検査」で使用しています。


  • アメリカ50万件
  • ドイツ16万件
  • フランス10万件
  • 中国378万件


1日あたりの検査能力数は増え、コロナ治療を行う病床数も大きく改善されましたが、ではどうして日本の「PCR検査数」が増えないのか? テレビ朝日のレギュラーコメンテータ、玉川氏がインタビューした感染分科会メンバーの答えは以下のとおり。

  • 検査数を増やすことは、実態を把握するために必要との認識は、感染分科会メンバー間では共通認識である。「コンセンサス」は取れている。
  • PCR検査では、10%程度の擬陽性が発生する。検査後、後日判明する「陰性」であったとしても、最初の検査で陽性という判断がされれば、隔離される。その後、感染ルート特定目的として、プライベートな面から調査が行われる。
  • 前世紀、日本のハンセン病(らい病のこと。皮膚病の一種。今では治療法が確立し、完治する)対策では、デマや疑いを持たれた健康な人までも、隔離されてしまったという苦い歴史がある。隔離された本人に留まらず、家族にまで差別と偏見が拡がり、国を被告とした訴訟にまで発展。国が敗訴し、原告に対し賠償金を支払うことで結審した。

  • この時の行き過ぎた対策により、厚生省に対する国民の信頼が失墜することになった。今、厚生省に勤務する医系技官は、この苦い経験を繰返さないように、PCRの擬陽性患者発生問題に対して、過度に神経質になっている。






The picture was taken by myself on 19 June 2014 at Kleine Scheidegg - the terminal station from Interlaken to Jungfraujoch.

The picture is selected for my another blog "having Antibodies testing, using Roche Swizterland, reagent for Covid-19 and Roche testing machine". Roche is the globally largest company in terms of the Revenue and an investment for a new medicine development. The picture is not directly related with Covid-19, but it will bring you the  direct impression of Switzerland.

 According to TV Asashi news, each country has following Covid-19 daily testing capability.

  • USA: 500,000
  • Germany: 160,000
  • France: 100,000
  • China: 3,780,000
  • Japan: 32,000  vs 58,000 = Antigen testing inclusive 

Famous Japanese journalist, Mr. Tamagawa made an interview with govenment organized Covid-19 subcommittee members on the other day, "Why Japan number is quite low compare with its of other countries?"

  • It is a consensus among subcommittee members that increasing the number of inspections is necessary for understanding the actual situation. 
  • A PCR test produces about 10% false positives. After the test, even if it is a "negative" that will be revealed at a later date, if it is judged to be positive, it will be quarantined. After that, investigation is conducted from the private side for the purpose of identifying the infection route.
  • Leprosy (a type of skin disease. A cure has been established and is now completely cured) has a history in early 20th century that even a healthy person with a hoax or suspicion has been isolated.
  • Due to the excessive measures taken at "Leprosy" time, public trust in the Ministry of Health and Welfare was lost. Now, medical technicians working at the Ministry of Health and Welfare are overly nervous about the problem of false positive PCR patients so as not to repeat the bitter experience at "Leprosy" time.

The more you read these articles, the higher the hurdle to undergo the PCR test, is not it?

However, even if you continue to take special measures against infections such as masks and hand washing, you may unfortunately have an asymptomatic person next to you because of a restaurant that stops at lunch or dinner and the virus may be transferred from that person.

The Japanese government's call for self-restraint began around March 24, when it announced that the 2020 Olympic Games had been postponed. Four months have passed since then. For this being, you may be infected with Covid-19 and become "antibody holder = asymptomatic person". You can not say "It's not possible"Isn't everyone simply anxious about this point?There is a company that offers antibody testing using Roche's reagent and Roche's testing device at a reasonable price of 6,800 yen.

I personally took this antibody test. I think that 6,800 yen is extremely reasonable if you think that it is a cost to "get the peace of mind that you have not been infected with Covid-19 in the past, at least two weeks ago now".